In India, there is a species of tree known as a banyan. These trees have a unique root system that can take up a lot of space. The roots grow out horizontally, spreading the tree out. Near Kolkata, there is a giant banyan tree that uses its roots to stretch out across the land.
In fact, it’s so big, it actually takes up more space than an average Walmart store. It’s hard to believe, but when you see the tree for yourself, you’ll understand.

And that tree is about the size of a Walmart.

Its aerial roots cover 3.5 square acres.

That’s about 156,000 square feet.

Your average Walmart? It is 105,000 square feet.

That is a LOT of tree to handle.

Photos: business insider
Imagine building a treehouse in a banyan like this. It wouldn’t just be a house, it would be a city. This tree is still alive, with healthy roots. It’s amazing such a large tree could withstand the test of time and not receive too much damage.
There is no other tree quite like this one. Click below to share it with your friends.
Source: Business Insider Via Viral Nova
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That's not one banyan but a multitude. I've grown up around banyans....change the title. Where are the photos of the GIGANTIC trunk structure it would have? ? You know the giant trunk that shows all the adjacent vines heading out from it...? Exactly....I've seen huge banyan and they are brilliant. I knew this post was too good to be true...