They’re monumental structures which fascinate people around the globe. That said however, there are countless other ancient pyramids which are equally as fascinating and breathtaking to behold.
In fact, there are ancient pyramids in almost every country in the world and while not all of them resemble the Egyptian pyramids there’s little doubt that they’re equally as wondrous.
At the heart of the city lies the magnificent Pyramid of the Niches, a grand pyramid which stretches seven stories high and would have once been topped by a temple. Today the pyramid is still incredibly well preserved and everything from the intricately designed structure to the magnificent stone tablets attract thousands of tourists each year.
Sadly by the time the pyramid was reentered by archaeologists in 1660 the tomb had been plundered and little was left to behold but the decoration on the walls and the marvelous pyramid itself.
In some ways they look similar to their Eyptian cousins however for the most part they’re much smaller seeing as the majority of them were built as a tomb for just one person (namely kings and queens). Sadly many of these magnificent structures are in ruin now but walking among them it’s impossible not to appreciate their magnificence.
The reason this pyramid is so incredible is due to the lengths the Emperor went to protect himself in the afterlife. As well as having the pyramid covered in grass to make it seem like a hill, he had its hallways built with countless traps inside of them to overcome any unsuspecting thieves. What kind of traps you ask? It is known that a river of mercury was installed within the tomb, something which even today prevents the Chinese government from excavating properly.
What makes these ruins so special isn’t just the intricate design of each pyramid but the fact that Mayan hieroglyphics can still clearly be made out carved into the stone and traces of the red paint which once coated the giant structures still remains. It is thought that the ruins were first inhabited around 1000BC, though settlers seemingly came and went so building started and stopped, and the site was finally abandoned in 1000AD.
Question of the Day: Do you know of any Pyramids that aren’t in Egypt?
Source: Earth Porn
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