Friday, June 10, 2016

7 Words Only Those With A Wanderlust Will Understand

7 Words Only Those With A Wanderlust Will Understand

Trying to talk about travel is like trying to describe a dream. There are just no words to translate the experiences you have on the road or the feelings you have on your return. Until now.

Read on for 7 words only those with wanderlust will really understand.

7 Words Only Those With A Wanderlust Will Understand

Fernweh can grab hold of us anytime, anywhere. During a particularly bad case of fernweh the most obscure reference to foreign climes or smallest reminder of a far-flung land where happy memories were made can be unbearable. As yet, there’s only one cure; where did you put your passport?

7 Words Only Those With A Wanderlust Will Understand

Everybody can name at least one nefelibata in their life. Nefelibatas live in a world inside of their own head where they can transport themselves to faraway lands without even leaving their seat. Notorious for thinking outside the box and asking strange questions, nefelibatas make great travellers.

7 Words Only Those With A Wanderlust Will Understand

The next time someone asks you how your trip was, don’t say it was ‘great’ or ‘brilliant’, say it was ‘numinous’. Travel should challenge as much as it delights and ‘numinous’ describes the feeling of being out of your depth but not wanting to be anywhere else.

7 Words Only Those With A Wanderlust Will Understand

Finally, a diagnosis. Butterflies in your stomach, tightness in your chest and excitement that turns into a headache right behind your eyes, I suffer from terrible resfeber before embarking on a trip and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

7 Words Only Those With A Wanderlust Will Understand

The experience of being alone in the woods, revelling in the near silence of undisturbed nature can make you feel like a ghost. While the term nemophilist doesn’t quite capture the experience of the solitary forest-walker, ‘haunter of the woods’ does.

7 Words Only Those With A Wanderlust Will Understand

We all want every year to be our own personal Annu mirabilis but let’s face it, the year we travelled the most will always be our most remarkable year.

7 Words Only Those With A Wanderlust Will Understand

The mental image smultroställe conjures, of an endless green field where wild strawberries grow, is a wonderful metaphor for the special place each of us has where we can finally feel free. If you’re lucky and you travel you can find many smultroställes all over the world and return to them time and time again.

Source: Wordables


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